Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lessons From Poetry

There is a lovely piece by Deepak Chopra on "Lessons From Poetry" -- it can be found here and here. I love this piece because it so eloquently captures the power and beauty of poetry in our lives. My favorite quote: "Poetry is illumination, insight, inner vision, epiphany, and at the same time it is the inspired expression of that illumination."

I want to be a "passionate lover of life" -- and poetry helps me do that.

Food for thought, food for the soul - happy reading.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Poetry Therapy

If you are interested in the healing power of words, then you may be interested in poetry therapy. The National Association for Poetry Therapy is a wonderful resource for information about poetry therapists and their work in a variety of health, therapeutic, and community settings. What is poetry therapy, exactly? Well, according to the NAPT "the term "poetry therapy" encompasses bibliotherapy (the interactive use of literature) and journal therapy (the use of life-based reflective writing) as well as therapeutic storytelling, the use of film in therapy, and other language-based healing modalities." The National Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy trains and certifies people to work as poetry therapists.

Words that heal -- this is the power of language at its best.